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Looking Forward to the Holidays & Helping Sandy Victims

22nd Nov 2013

  I hope everyone is safe after Hurricane Sandy! I know how lucky I was to have had power and water the whole time. My heart goes out to everyone who did not fare so well. In an effort to help people who were badly affected, I will be contributing 10% of all online sales to the American Red Cross for every purchase made on through November 15th. I just wanted to do something special for my fellow New Yorkers. We have to help each other out when times are tough. I thank you in
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Come See Shaya at the Union Square Holiday Market

22nd Nov 2013

You saw the before photo when we were setting up the booth what feels like a million years ago.  As promised, here is the "after" photo.  I finally shaved. So here is my holiday market booth!  We can do pretty much whatever we want with our spaces, and I put a lot of time into creating a warm and welcoming feeling and to make it easy for you to see and touch the jewelry.  I use wood blocks, which have a really great texture.  And the metals really come alive against t
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Hammering for the Holidays

22nd Nov 2013

No little elves here in the Shaya Studio.  It's just me and my metal working tools, hammering away and creating jewelry for the Union Square Holiday Market! This will be my second year with a booth boutique at Union Square, and I am very excited to be back.  Last year was great.  So many nice people buying gifts, and the weather wasn't even so cold.  I have some great heaters, and my booth was so warm most of the time I didn't need to wear a jacket. The market runs for al
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