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Hammering for the Holidays

21st Nov 2013

No little elves here in the Shaya Studio.  It's just me and my metal working tools, hammering away and creating jewelry for the Union Square Holiday Market!

This will be my second year with a booth boutique at Union Square, and I am very excited to be back.  Last year was great.  So many nice people buying gifts, and the weather wasn't even so cold.  I have some great heaters, and my booth was so warm most of the time I didn't need to wear a jacket.

The market runs for almost six weeks, seven days a week from November 18 - December 24, 2011.  So I have been working on inventory, designing my booth, and trying to get enough sleep to stay energized for the entire season.  This is a fantastic time of year in New York City, and I am really happy to be a part of the holiday spirit!

And, by the way, I'll be sending out an email newsletter this week with an exclusive discount offer for my subscribers!  Please sign up so you can take advantage of this offer code.

Thank you,



