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Welcome to the New Shaya NYC Studio

22nd Nov 2013

  Happy Father’s Day! It’s a day for me to remember how great my own dad is and to let him know how much I appreciate him. I am also happy to show you some pictures from the new Shaya NYC Studio in Brooklyn! I’ve had a studio in my home for many years, but it was time to separate my personal life and my work a little more. And I found the perfect place, just a few minutes from my apartment. The new design studio is at the end of 2nd Street at Bond, a residential, tree
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**NEW** Brooklyn Earrings: A Tribute To My Home Borough

22nd Nov 2013

  I have lived in Brooklyn for a long time now. It is my first real home after the hometown where I grew up. If you've ever been to Brooklyn, you will understand why I love it so much. If you haven't visited, you definitely should come check it out. The creative energy in Brooklyn is really amazing these days. There are artists, designers, writers, musicians, food and beverage businesses -- it seems like everyone is making something here. I have felt particularly inspired this year, la
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