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5 Tips for Summertime Jewelry Care + Summer Bangles Sale

Posted by Jewelry Storage on 20th Jun 2014

Summer officially starts on Saturday! So we thought we’d give you some tips for taking care of your Shaya NYC jewelry to keep it shining and safe this season:

5 Tips To Keep Your Jewelry Shining This Summer

1. Put Your Jewelry On Last: Moisturizers, hairs sprays and sunblock can dull the finish on your jewelry. So put on your creams and perfumes first, let them sink into your skin, and then put on your jewelry.

2. Use the Backings on Your Earrings: Our jewelry doesn’t float. So if you’re swimming (or running, or playing volleyball), you don’t want to lose an earring. We give you several pairs of plastic backings with your earring purchases.

3. Take Off Your Jewelry Before You Take the Plunge: Chlorine in pools and hot tubs is harsh on jewelry finishes, as is salt water in the ocean. Leave your jewelry at home or in your beach bag (out of the sun).

4. Store Your Jewelry in the Little Plastic Bag: We put your jewelry in small ziploc bags, and you should continue to keep them in the bags each evening. It will help prevent scratching, and you will be able to keep your jewelry organized so that you always know where to find it!

5. Use your Shaya NYC Polishing Cloth: You receive a free polishing cloth with each purchase from Shaya NYC (pictured above). At the end of the day, take a moment to clean your jewelry, and it will be ready to go in the morning.

For even more tips to keep your jewelry shiny and scratch-free, visit the Care & Cleaning page on our website.

Summer Bangles Sale for Newsletter Subscribers

Join the Shaya NYC Newsletter for exclusive online offers, including the Summer Bangles Sale!

Visit us Friday - Sunday at the Nolita Market

We will have the bangles on sale at the Nolita Market too, while supplies last:

  • Extra Large Bangle: $52 Now $35
  • Large Bangle: $28 Now $20
  • Medium Bangle: $24 Now$15
  • Small Bangle: $18 Now $10

The Nolita Market is open Fridays - Sundays on Prince Street between Mulberry & Mott, from 11AM - 6PM, weather permitting.

Enjoy your summer!

